The municipal government in Benito Juárez promotes economic reactivation in a gradual, orderly and responsible manner, putting the health of the people of Cancun first, which has allowed the destination to achieve a tourist occupancy close to 27 percent, within the margin allowed by the weekly epidemiological traffic light .

In this regard, the Municipal President, Mara Lezama, said that the government of Benito Juárez maintains a strong impulse to economic reactivation, without resting, establishing close contact with all business and productive sectors while working on the management transparent of public finances.

“We are a strong government, with stability, that works intensely for each and everyone, with transparent management of each peso of the treasury, that we fight corruption and we are also fighting COVID-19 together with you in an intense campaign,” he commented.

He pointed out that tourists trust in having a safe destination and little by little they resume their trips to the Mexican Caribbean, according to what is allowed by the epidemiological traffic light, so upon arrival – in addition to inviting them to enjoy the destination – they are asked that they take care of themselves and the people who serve them professionally.

He recalled that a few days ago the Cancun Safe QR code was launched, with which all visitors are invited to join this effort to contain and reduce the virus, respecting and exercising health protocols, in order to guarantee their safety. , that of your family and that of all those people from Cancun who are pleased to receive you and provide you with excellent service.

He explained that through this code that is promoted on the screens of the two active terminals of the Cancun International Airport and the land terminal, you can view videos of the presentation in Spanish and English, health protocols, 50th Anniversary of the Foundation of Cancún and the “Everyone against COVID-19” campaign.

He explained that currently the hotel occupancy remains at 27.5 percent in the Hotel Zone with 22,109 tourists, while in the downtown area it reached 22.5 percent.

He specified that according to the Cancun International Airport report, for Thursday, August 13, there are 195 scheduled operations at the airport, of which 93 are arrivals and 102 departures, in addition to 55 domestic and 38 international operations.